Muzzle Loading Association of Great Britain – MLAGB –
Anglian Muzzle Loaders – meet at Cambridge Gun Club –
E J Blackley and Son – castings and kits for antique guns –
Henry Krank – everything for muzzle loading shooters –
Peter Dyson & son – more bits for antique guns –
Woolen Baize suppliers (for guncases)
Ladbrook & Langdon – gunsmith & barrel |
Cambridge Gun Club – where Anglia Muzzle Loaders meet
Sam Alfredo – Graver Sharpening
Optical Magnifiers
Ball Moulds and patches etc by James Turner – excellent value
R.E & G.B. Way – Sporting booksellers
Two useful resources: –
Books that I find useful in no particular order ( the books listed in italics are those I refer to most often) ;-
Books with Authors in Bold are those I refer to most. I’m lucky in that I inherited a library of around 70 gun books but I have had to buy many more to get comprehensive coverage and there are still areas that I’m weak on. Unfortunately many of the best books are difficult to come by and therefore expensive – they sometimes come up at auction at Holts, usually in lots with ‘gun picture books’. Try G.E. Way at Burrough Green 01638 507217, a specialist in sporting books.
W Keith Neal & D H Back | Great British Gunmakers 1740-1790 | 1975 | Southerby Parker Bernet |
W Keith Neal & D H Back | Great British Gunmakers 1640 – 1740 | 1975 | Southerby Parker Bernet |
De Witt Bailey & Douglas A Nye | English Gunmakers – Birmingham trade | 1978 | Arms&Armour |
J F Hayward | The Art of the gunmaker Vol1 1500 -1650 | 1975 | Barrie & Rockcliff |
J F Hayward | The Art of the gunmaker Vol 2 1660 -1830 | 1963 | Barrie & Rockcliff |
W Keith Neal & D H Back | The Mantons | 1966 | Herbert Jenkins |
W Keith Neal & D H Back | The Mantons Suplement | 1978 | The Compton Press |
W Keith Neal & D H L Back | Forsyth and Co Patent Gunmakers | 1969 | GH Bell & Sons |
John S Cooper | For Commonwealth and Crown | 1993 | Wilson hunt |
George | English Guns and Rifles | 1947 | Small Arms Technial Pub Co. |
George | English Pistols and Revolvers | 1938 | Samworth(US) |
Howard L Blackmore | British Military Firearms 1650 -1850 | 1961 | Herbert Jenkins |
Richard Akenhurst | Game guns and Rifles | 1969 | Bell |
Art Gogan | Fighting Iron – a metals handbook for collectors | 1999 | Mowbray |
Ray Riling | The Powder Flask Book | 1953 | Bonanza (US) |
Robert Held | The Age of Firearms | 1957 | Cassells |
Angier | Firearm Bluing and Browning | 1936 | The Telegraph Press |
Lewis Winart | Early Percussion Firearms | 1959 | Spring Books |
Lewis Winart | Firearms Curiosa | 1955 | Riling |
W W Greener | The Gun and its Development | 1881 | |
Stonehenge | The Shotgun and Sporting Rifle | 1859 | Routledge Warne and Routledge |
P Hawker | Shooting -Instructions to young Sportsmen | 1816 – 1854 | Longman et al. |
J H Walsh | The Modern Shotgun and Rifle | 1882 | |
Eric Griffith | William Palmer- master Engraver 1737 -1812 | 197x | private |
Chisnall and Davies ‘ | British Carbines and Pistols of the Napoleonic Era | 2014 | Chisnall & Davis |
Crudington and Baker | The British Shotgun Vol 1 1850 – 1870 | 1979 | Barrie & Jenkins |
Crudington and Baker | The British Shotgun Vol 2 1871 – 1890 | 1989 | APP |
William R Brockway | Recreating the Double Barrel M L Shotgun | 2003 | Shumway |
Taylerson, Andrew s & Frith | The Revolver 1818 – 1865 | 1968 | Herbert Jenkins |
Taylerson | The Revolver 1865 – 1888 | 1966 | Herbert Jenkins |
Taylerson | The Revolver 1888 – 1914 | 1970 | Barrie & jenkins |
Crudington & Baker | The British Shotgun Vol 3 1891 – 2011 | 2011 | Quiller |
W Keith Neal & D H Back | British Gunmakers Their Trade cards, Cases and Equipment 1760 – 1860 | 1980 | Compton Press |
W Keith Neal & D H Back | British Gunmakers – Griffin and Tow and W Bailes 1740 – 1790 | 1989 | Historical Firearms (2nd printing) |
Ian Glendenning | British Guns and Pistols 1640 to 1840 | 1951 | |
Here are two invaluable Home Office guides to fiearms law etc…
Hi Tim,
A useful link on French guns: little
Stacks of really good photos and detail for a huge number of makers listed in alphabetical order as links. Has been useful to me on the restoration of an 18th century flintlock, even though the particular maker is not listed.
Thanks Rod, I’ll add it to links when I get a moment….
Apologies Tim,
I grabbed the wrong part of the link and unwittingly added a space. Googling will get there. The site is similar to your own and is primarily French language but with English language translations included.
I read the Optical Magnifiers. Nice content on magnifiers and i really enjoyed it.
Hi Mac, glad to have been useful.